Profile PictureRicardo Ripoll

Meditation for Busy People

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Meditation for Busy People


When you’re very busy trying to juggle work, school, family obligations and other commitments finding the time to meditate is probably pretty low on your priority list. But if you make the time for some meaningful meditation every day you’ll feel better and you’ll be able to eliminate a lot of stress from you life. Even when it’s difficult to find the time to meditate the results that you’ll get from meditation are worth the effort. Health experts have recommended regular meditation sessions to busy people for years as a way to help manage stress and treat some of the many health problems that are associated with stress. Just a few minutes of meditation on a daily basis can greatly improve you health and greatly reduce your stress level.

Meditation is used for more than just stress reduction. In many cultures and in many religions meditation is used as a way to commune with the Divine and reflect on religious faith. Many religious leaders recommend regular meditation sessions for their followers in order to help them have a better understanding of their faith and what their role in the world is. In countries like India meditation is a routine practice and people often will attend temples or other places of worship to spend a few hours meditating at least once a week. For some religions meditation is seen as a type of prayer. Many Eastern religions and culture place a great value on the ability to meditate and let your conscious mind become quiet and still so that you can listen to your Inner Voice.

The hardest part about learning to meditate for people that come from Western cultures is learning how to be still. In this modern world people schedule their time very tightly and like to be doing something “productive” every moment of the day. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort for people that are not used to just being still to sit quietly or lie quietly and let their minds and bodies relax into meditation. It takes more discipline than you might think to train your mind and body to meditate but the benefits that come with regular mediation are enough to convince most people to put in the effort.

Along with reduced stress and stress-based illness if you start to meditate on a regular basis you will also find yourself staying calmer during the day, not reacting to the world in anger, having more faith in yourself and in your religious beliefs, and becoming more centered and more mindful of the world around you. The more you learn about meditation the more you’ll see that no matter how busy you are or how many other commitments you have making time for meditation is something that you need to do for yourself.

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Last updated Jan 9, 2025